LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability)

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This document will describe how users will be able to add Unitu onto Brightspace VLE through an LTI integration (Learning Tools Interoperability). More information about LTI can be found here:

We will be using LTI version 1.

End Result

Benefits of integrating Unitu within Brightspace

Increases Unitu’s Visibility

We believe that making Unitu visible on Brightspace and especially showing the tool within their modules will greatly increase engagement with the platform. This will also re-assure the students that the university is serious about student feedback as it would seem like the university is encouraging student feedback (which is in fact what we want).

Convenience for the students

Making the platform readily available on Brightspace and easily accessible from their course page, we believe, greatly encourage students to provide feedback relevant to their course. Which will result in more relevant engagement on the Unitu platform.

Moreover, students will not need to log in again which will simplify the whole process of providing feedback – again increasing the engagement with the platform.

Security of the integration


Unitu uses HTTPS and has a COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA authorised certificate. This means that all the data either being sent or received through the site is secure.

Unitu’s Authentication

We authenticate users only via their email when they access our site via a valid LTI connection. Therefore users will only have to be authenticated on Brightspace and so our authentication security is heavily reliant on Brightspace’ authentication system.

Video for Integration

Video will be available on Unitu’s YouTube page

Method for Integration

Set up the Unitu LTI tool

  1. Login as an Admin (or any other user with Admin Tool access)
  2. Click on the Admin Tool button on the top right
  3. Under “Organisation Related” click on “External Learning Tools”
  4. Under the “Manage External Learning Tool Links” tab click on the button “New Link”
  5. Add the following configurations:
    • Title:  “Unitu – The Student Voice Platform”
    • URL: <https://{uni domain}>
    • Description: <Some call to action>
      [Suggested: “Unitu, your student voice platform.”]
    • Visibility: check the box that says “Allow users to view this link”
    • Key/Secret:
      • Signature: check the box that says “sign messages with key/secret with” and then select “Link key/secret”
      • Key: <will be provided by us>
      • Secret: <will be provided by us>
    • Custom Parameters: <Leave empty>
    • Security Settings: select “Use link security settings” and then make sure to check “Send user email to tool provider”, everything else is optional
      Also, in the “Make link available to:” section add all the organisation units that you want Unitu to be visible in – we suggest for all modules
  6. Click “Save and close”

 Add the Unitu tool to the nav bar for courses after set-up

  1. Navigate to the desired course where you would like to add Unitu to the navbar
  2. Click on the button “…” and then “Edit this nav bar”
  3. If that option is not displayed then click “Manage all course Navbars”
    1. Either create a new editable navbar by clicking on the button “Create Navbar”
    2. OR copy an existing on so that it can be edited by clicking on the down arrow and clicking on copy
  4. Once you have an editable navbar, or you created a new editable navbad by following steps in (c), you can click on it to edit it
  5. Under “links” click on “Add Links”
  6. Click on “Create Custom Link”
  7. Enter the following configurations:
    • Name: “Unitu – The Student Voice Platform”
    • URL:
      • Click on “Insert Quick Link”
      • Select “External Learning Tools”
      • Search and click on “Unitu – The Student Voice Platform”
      • A URL should be added in automatically
    • Behaviour: select “New window / tab”, leave others blank
    • Browser Attributes: <Leave Default>
    • Description: <some call to action> [Suggested: “Unitu, your student voice platform”]
    • Icon: <leave empty>
    • Availability: make sure “Limit to specific roles” is left unchecked
  8. Click “Create”
  9. Click “Add”
  10. Click “Save and Close”
  11. The Unitu tool would have been added to the navbar

Common Error Troubleshooting

User not found:

The main reason for this error is that the user has not been registered on Unitu yet. Which means you will need to contact the Unitu Support team and make sure that your account has been created with the same email as the one you are trying to gain access with. This would usually be the email address you used to log in onto Brightspace.

Incorrect LTI details:

Please make sure that the LTI configurations that you have inputted are valid and verified.

These are URL, Key, and Secret
Try re-entering the details, sometimes it is best to remove and re-integrate the Unitu tool using the steps above. If this issue persists, please contact Unitu Support, and someone will be able to help you out.

User is disabled:

The user has been disabled on Unitu, please contact our Unitu Support team to know why and how they can be re-enabled.

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