EVENT - 12th October 2021

Student Voice Network:

Effective student representation post-pandemic.

Event Overview

Date: Tuesday 12th Oct 2021
Time: 10am – 12:30pm
Location: Virtual (Zoom)

Due to the pandemic, the way that student representation is done has inevitably changed. It’s been a challenge for many universities and student unions to adapt to COVID-19, especially when capturing student voices.

However, we’ve learned numerous examples of innovative ways to effectively represent students through the interviews and discussions we’ve had with Sabattical Officers and Student Engagement staff.

As we look towards a “post-pandemic” future, it’s essential to ask how we ensure effective student representation? If universities are going hybrid – how do we capture all student voices? How can we support reps to use different modes of collecting feedback and better representing their peers?

These are some of the questions we know that are asked of newly-elected sabbatical officers. 

We at Unitu want to provide you with the advice and support you need throughout the year to represent your students effectively.

In this webinar, we’ve invited two experienced and knowledgeable speakers to share their thoughts and insights on student representation in the upcoming year.

Participants on the panel will have the opportunity to network,  pose questions and share best practices themselves in our interactive event.

In the event, we will discuss

  • The importance of language and digital spaces with Current Students.
  • The importance of identifying spaces students occupy post-COVID19.
  • How SUs can utilise these to effectively engage with Students.


Ashley Storer-Smith
Academic Voice & Policy Manager at Warwick Students' Union.
Nicole Parkinson-Kelly
Former VP Education at Ulster University


Register To Attend The Webinar

Fill out the form to attend the event:

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Unitu helps universities to improve the student experience by effectively engaging with the student voice in real time.

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