Webinar Category: Past Webinars
Student Governance best practice in Australia: learn 10 effective ways in student representation and leadership

Watch the replay of Fien Van den Steen’s webinar on student governance and leadership. Discover 10 key lessons from her experience and learn strategies for empowering students in governance roles in this insightful session on effective student representation.
Empowerment vs Consumer: An SU Officer’s perspective of authentic Student Voice

In this webinar, Callum Perry, an experienced Undergraduate Education Officer, delved into the intricacies of student engagement in HE, moving from tokenistic representation to impactful student voices. We explored challenges, strategies for inclusivity, and the shift towards meaningful engagement.
Diverse Student Representation – Engaging with Muslim student voices

Missed our webinar with Maisha Islam? Watch the replay and learn strategies for amplifying Muslim student voices and addressing their unique challenges in UK Higher Education. Gain valuable insights on fostering inclusivity and equity.
Co-creation: Overcoming Barriers to Belonging- Learn from the “We are Chemistry” project at University of Warwick

Missed our live webinar? You can still watch the replay and learn from the journey of the “We are Chemistry” project at the University of Warwick’s Department of Chemistry in engaging students as partners using practical and inclusive co-design principles.
How Wrexham University SU transformed their student voice with Unitu

Discover how Wrexham University SU has already transformed their student voice with Unitu, addressing challenges, shifting cultural norms, effectively closing the loop, and increasing engagement. If you missed the live event, we encourage you to watch the replay and gain valuable insights from this impactful webinar. Don’t miss your chance to catch up on this transformative discussion!
Closing the Feedback Loop: Using technology to effectively close the feedback loop

This talk will present Unitu’s and Swansea’s experience using Unitu. It will look at a model in which institutions can use technology to establish an effective feedback loop that increases student satisfaction and engagement.
Closing the Feedback Loop : Value co-creation strategies to understand the student voice

This talk will emphasize how institutions should go further than listening to feedback, instead of providing opportunities to co-create offerings through partnership.
Closing the Feedback Loop: Listening to and acting on student voices

This talk will discuss some of the opportunities and challenges of listening to and acting on student voices.
Closing the Feedback Loop: Understanding the student view of module feedback

This talk will be about generational differences in views on feedback, and how we can better involve and engage students during the process.
Closing the Feedback Loop: Let the student voice lead the way

This talk will explore the approach to Student Voice at Cranfield University, and how delivery through a pandemic has changed the institutional framework of engagement.